23 Jun 2010

Over the weekend David attended the 'Littoral' events in Leith and Edinburgh to mark the 60th anniversary of Kurt Schwitters' arrival in Leith on a fishing boat from Norway in June 1940.

‘Littoral’ ( literally - at the edge) of Ian Hunter and Celia Larner
has been responsible for numerous seminal conferences and
seminars over the years. Based in Lancashire it has in recent years
been concerned with the influence of Schwitters on post 2WW
British art. Central to this has been securing the original site of
the Merzbarn in the Lake District and turning into a centre for the
study of Schwitters life and work.

Professor Hamish Ritchie described the impact of Holocaust
refugees on the cultural life of Britain. Around 60,000 came to
Britain in the years up to 1940 and their contribution has been
massive. (see attached paper)

Sir Alan Peacock concentrated on one, the composer Hans Gal,
who taught at Edinburgh University and became a well-known
Edinburgh figure.

At the Plenary session David asked if there was a definitive published
text/book on the influence of Schwitters on British art. It seems
that there is none. Does anyone know if there is one. If not then
obviously an urgent task waiting for someone to do.

"Historical note. Sandy Moffat while at the 57 Gallery in
Edinburgh curated a show of Schwitters’ work in 1976. The
catalogue is a collector’s item."
David Harding June 2010

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